
Support Wild Mountain

Please help us continue our vision of offering ALL of our services and programs at Wild Mountain by contribution or sliding scale.

You can designate your donation below to either the Wild Mountain General Fund or the BIPOC Access Fund.

Donate to Wild Mountain

At Wild Mountain we believe in reciprocity and we trust abundance

Your generous donations are essential for us to continue this work. They directly contribute to the vitality of our organization and community.

Support the land, the wellness of our community, and the accessibility of this work for QT-BIPOC communities.

Donate below to our general fund as a tax-deductible donation.


Support our BIPOC Access Fund

Many land-based retreat experiences cater to mostly white participants and have not adapted to the vitality and needs of racial, cultural, and gender diversity. At Wild Mountain, we want to see this change.

For this reason, we have created a fund to support Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) to have more access to programs, trainings, and guiding opportunities.

Donate to the BIPOC FUND

This access fund provides financial assistance for program tuition, travel, and compensation specifically for BIPOC guides, trainees, and participants.

Pay it forward To all who are drawn to wild mountain

Thank you for trusting abundance and believing in reciprocity!
